‍‍‍Sweat with Steph‍‍‍

Your only limit is you.


About Me

I am a 23 year old Telfer student looking to help guide you through your next workout adventure. The purpose of this blog is to simplify your decision process when considering a new workout. I will be trying various fitness classes in Ottawa to offer you an unbiased opinion on them. To give you a little background on my fitness level, I played soccer from the age of 4 until 21. Aside from playing soccer I absolutely hate cardio. I am a part time server and supervisor at Local Lansdowne, working 8+ hour shifts on my feet which is what I consider my weekly cardio. I do have a personal trainer, Kenny from UVU fitness that I see 2-3 times a week, mostly for strength training. Besides that I don't really workout much. Most of the classes and workouts on this website are some that I myself have never tried before. This allows me to give you feedback from a first timer perspective and be totally honest. I am not a certified fitness instructor, I am here to learn, have fun and share my experience! I hope this can help you find your perfect workout!‍‍